Julien Melissas
I'm a Web Developer, Foodie, and Music Lover/Maker living in Asheville, NC.
I make things on the web at Craftpeak & JM Labs.
Posted byJulien Melissas on January 1st, 2015.
Hey there! I know I don’t blog enough (see below), and that’s sad. However, I did think it would be nice to quickly write up a post with some quick goals for 2015 for my own reference, and maybe to inspire some others! I’d like to be able to come back next year and see how well I did. Work/Life Balance: This is the main...
Posted byJulien Melissas on November 22nd, 2014.
For any of you Roots developers out there, or really anyone who has a WordPress theme that uses Bootstrap 3, this little plugin that I created might be helpful.
Posted byJulien Melissas on August 24th, 2014.
You want to make sure your site always has an alt attribute for every single IMG tag for usability reasons, right? Yes. The answer to that question is yes. This is how to get one with ACF, without having to fill in the alt field for every single media object.
Posted byJulien Melissas on August 7th, 2014.
Recently I had a need to have a default grid in Bootstrap, but also on the homepage I needed to have 4 boxes that butted right up against each other. I came up with a handy .no-gutters class, which has some pretty basic CSS, that you apply to your .row tag holding your columns. Regular Bootstrap version below (with kittens!): No gutters:...
Posted byJulien Melissas on June 27th, 2014.
This is by-far the best computer I’ve ever owned. I came from a 13″ MacBook Pro with the optical drive replaced with an SSD, and 8GB of RAM. That computer was great. Fast, strong, sturdy, just about everything was awesome. Then I bought my late 2013 15″ rMBP. I decided to move up screen sizes so I could put more code on...
Posted byJulien Melissas on June 1st, 2014.
Hey all! Hope you enjoyed my presentation at #wcavl. For those who don't know - I spoke about "Building better websites through Collaboration, Communication, and Consistency."
Posted byJulien Melissas on May 30th, 2014.
WordCamp is officially underway! Sitting here teaching the newbs at our PreCamp really got me thinking – this is kickass. The organizers I’ve worked with have been awesome. We did something that not only sold out, but it’s running so smooth, and we’re going to have a really good time! My Talk…...